May 18 Community Call: PIONEER Prostate Cancer Study-A-Thon Report

Hi all,
Please join us this Tuesday, May 18, (11 am ET) for our next OHDSI Community Call, when representatives from the PIONEER Prostate Cancer Study-A-Thon will provide a full report on the five-day event and ongoing work that came from it. This study-a-thon was a collaboration between PIONEER (European Network of Excellence for Big Data in Prostate Cancer), OHDSI and EHDEN. We’re very excited to hear from @keesvanbochove, Giorgio Gandaglia, @agolozar, Bertrand de Meulder, Ariel Achtman, and @Robert_Snijder about this important work.

Many of you will have the calendar link in your OHDSI Teams environment. If not, you will need the specific meeting link to access the community call; it will also be posted in the main OHDSI Teams environment. As always, if you can’t make it, the recordings will be posted to both our Community Calls page and the General OHDSI Teams recordings folder.