One of the items that came out of the THEMIS F2F was what are the cases one should mask data. Are there conditions/procedures/drugs or other items that should be masked/hidden in the CDM? For example, patients over a certain age should be assigned a new age to protect patient privacy. Here is the recommendation that THEMIS came up with:
The masking of information related to a person is dependent on the organization's privacy policies and may vary by data asset.
Work with CDM WG to add this statement to FAQs.
QUESTION: Are there conditions/procedures/drugs or other domains that should be masked/hidden in the CDM?
ANSWER: The masking of information related to a person is dependent on the organization's privacy policies and may vary by data asset.
@mvanzandt - I think it is better to handle this with one ticket than one for each item. I don’t think the recommendation differs by domain or item we are talking about.