March 23 Community Call: OHDSI's Work On Vaccine Surveillance with the FDA Best Program

Please join us for the next OHDSI Community Call (Tuesday, March 23, 11 am ET) for a presentation on OHDSI’s work with the FDA BEST program to support its mission to conduct safety and effectiveness surveillance of biologic products (vaccines, blood and blood products, tissues and advanced therapeutics). Presentations will include:

FDA BEST Overview; Research Methods Development – Incidence Rates for Vaccine Safety
George Hripcsak, Chair and Vivian Beaumont Allen Professor of Biomedical Informatics, Columbia University

Research Methods Development – Small Sample Meta-Analysis, EUMAEUS
Marc Suchard, Professor in the Departments of Biomathematics and of Human Genetics in the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA

FDA Workshops and Seminar Series
David Madigan, Provost and Senior Vice-President for Academic Affairs, Northeastern University

Training and Engagement
Rita Kukafka, Professor of Biomedical Informatics and Sociomedical Sciences, Columbia University

Many of you will have the calendar link in your OHDSI Teams environment. If not, you will need the specific meeting link to access the community call; it will also be posted in the main OHDSI Teams environment. As always, if you can’t make it, the recordings will be posted to both our Community Calls page and the General OHDSI Teams recordings folder.