Mapping to specialty_concept_id in provider table


Is anybody able to advise me on how to populate the speciality_concept_id field of the provider table. The wiki ( says it should come from the ‘Speciality’ domain but I can find no record of the domain in Athena.

There is a Provider domain which looks promising, is this the correct domain to use?

Would I be correct in mapping Physiotherapist to and General Practioner to This seems a little strange as the physiotheraphist is in concept class Provider while the GP is in concept class Physician Speciality. But this is probably correct. Can anybody confim this?

I would also like to categorise a locum General Practioner, but there doesn’t seem to be anything corresponding to this. Can anyone advise?

Ally Hume
University of Edinburgh

Is wrong, and being revised. Sorry about that.

That’s the one.

Yes. We combined the physician specialties with specialties of non-physicians. The distinction is the Concept Class you mentioned. But both are Providers, which are flesh-and-blood professionals with the Domain “Provider”, not institutions. Usually, those get cobbled together into one yucky mess.

Locum, or moonlighting providers, are no different than any other providers. The fact that they are not permanently employed is not deemed relevant to the patient experience. We are not capturing data about the institution is run. Does that work for you? Or do you have a use case for knowing a doctor is a locum?

Thank Cristian for your reply.

I think we can live without recording the locum details. I can understand why it would be independent of the speciality and instead capturing employment status. I don’t actually have a use case that needs it. Just at the start of mapping to OMOP CDM and I need to become a little less concerned when minor pieces of information are not mapped!
