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Mapping multi-ingredient generic drug terms

Hello! I am new to OMOP and we are doing our first mapping excercise. I just have some questions re mapping the drug list we have which is not based on a drug vocabulary.

We have the drug list in generic form without the form. Using the generic drug term “2,4 Dichlorobenzyl alcohol, Amylmetacresol, Ascorbic Acid”. I know that this is the generic for Strepsils.

Should I map this to the individual ingredient (first 3 below) or just pick the term with “oral lozenges” (4th line) even it is not stated in the original term.

Thank you very much in advance. If in case this has been discussed here or in any tutorial, I would really appreciate if you could refer me to any of the materials.



Welcome to the family.

Yes, the 4th line. You always have to go as detailed as your data give you information for.

Thank you so much @Christian_Reich! Apprecite the help!

Hi @Christian_Reich, I am trying to map a local vocabulary with Ingredient level list. For example, we have “Sofosbuvir + Ledispasvir” in the ingredient list. How should I go with that?

  1. Map the individual ingredients to the combination drug term (one to many mapping)
  2. Map the term to the closest standard concept with is “sofosbuvir/velpatasbir Oral Tablet” which is a clinical drug form.

I am a bit confused because the local database doesn’t have associated form and dose and if I do #2 it will not be under the concept class ingredient as how others (single ingredient drugs) are mapped.

Thank you!

Hello, @Edwin

Performing mapping job we usually prefer the most specific concept as a target. E.g. in your first example above the source concept doesn’t contain any information about the form. Still, it’s known that the only form of oral lozenge exists for this particular drug, and we use this information.

However, in the case of sofosbuvir/ledipasvir, several oral forms exist (at least, oral tablet and oral pellet) and you don’t know what particular form was mentioned in your source data. In this case, I suppose that one-to-many mapping to ingredients is the right choice.

