Mapping Mechanical Ventilation Parameters

Hi, Gigi,
your mapping for ETCO2; ETCO2 - Oral/Nasal; PIP; RESP RATE; RESP RATE - Adult Mech; RESP RATE - Adult Spont; RESP RATE - Peds Mech; RESP RATE - Peds Spont is totally fine

For PEEP I would rather use 3022875 Positive end expiratory pressure setting Ventilator.
For TIDAL VOLUME I would rather use 21490854 Tidal volume Ventilator --on ventilator
For TIDAL VOLUME EXHALED I would rather go with 21490752 Tidal volume expired Respiratory system airway or something like that

Reasons to change mapping
  • From a clinical perspective, there are different ‘PEEPs’: one is intrinsic or auto-PEEP ( 3035822 Intrinsic PEEP Respiratory system), one is extrinsic PEEP or external PEEP, applied by ventilator ( 42528515 Extrinsic PEEP Respiratory system) And the third type is total PEEP, which is calculated by some ventilators with help of measured autoPEEP and external PEEP. However, you can’t always differentiate between all those types and mostly all you have is just a ventilator parameter - which, I suggest, would be 3022875.

  • Tidal volume is constant only in few modes of ventilation. Even during ventilation in these modes, measured TV can differ from set one. In most clinical situations this parameter is changing dynamically. In some cases desired tidal volume are not achieved with high inspiratory pressures and the ventilator delivers less volume. I am not familiar with your data (which mode of ventilation is used, are we talking about measured or set values, etc) that’s why I would rather change the mapping to a less granular concept

  • Your option for tidal volume exhaled is an alarm limit - real volume can be more, can be less, or can be equal to the alarm limit. TIDAL VOLUME EXHALED suggests that it is a real data, not an alarm limit

RESP DEVICE - what do you mean?

Ventilation duration problem: It’s been a while :slight_smile:
We always struggle to store a duration of something, but there are options: one was described by @Vlad_Korsik, another one (and even two) can be found here

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