We are mapping national vocabularies to standard OMOP-codes using usagi.
We first downloaded all the possible voabularies from Athena.
However, there are some vocabularies where the large majority of the codes are non-standard and few are standard.
Is there any recomendation to just download a handful of vocabularies from Athena?
If so, which ones ?
More specifically:
Given a local code, is it better to map it to a vocabulary with-more-standard-codes but less preccision on the match OR a vocabulary with-few-standard-codes but where the match is more precise ?
What are the guide lines/prefferences in the community ??
(may be @MPhilofsky, @Christian_Reich )
(this was a similar question but deviated to much on the specific example of procedures
Mapping a new vocabulary: is better to map to snomed or to other standard vocabularies? )