Make Provider Specialties Standard

we are currently working on Provider Specialty mapping
and find a lot of non-standard concepts that don’t have standard equivalents,
for example:
4010474 Practice nurse
4073296 Community nurse
4280569 Physiotherapist
and other.
Should we make them standard?
@Christian_Reich, @nzvyagina, @ericaVoss

Community nurse (occupation) SCTID: 224540001, Practice nurse (occupation) SCTID: 159002008
All concepts are already available in SNOMED-CT vocabulary which is a international Standard.


That’s what @Dymshyts is asking. He is referring to these SNOMED concepts (with the concept_id, not the concept_code as you did).

Does the community believe we need to add them to the Specialties? Do folks have data containing them? Do we have use cases?

specialty_concept_id is A foreign key to a Standard Specialty Concept ID in the Standardized Vocabularies.
it means this column in
standard_concept This flag determines where a Concept is a Standard Concept, i.e. is used in the data, a Classification Concept, or a non-standard Source Concept. The allowables values are ‘S’ (Standard Concept) and ‘C’ (Classification Concept), otherwise the content is NULL.

Not all SNOMED concepts are standard regarding OMOP-rules, for example SNOMED-drugs are not. Because we use RxNorm and RxNorm Extension as a standard

Here are some nurse codes where I don’t have a mapping across a few DBs (but none seem to be the ones you list)

Would practice nurse be a nurse practitioner?

I don’t think I have physiotherapist in any of my DBs.

I saw the more options the better but I don’t think we need these on our side.

Do you mean, you have these concepts in your source data and also struggling to map them?

Great timing! I am also mapping Provider Specialty at this time. Here’s my wish list to standardize:

4223774 Medical ophthalmologist
4248840 Consultant neonatologist


The following are standard concepts:

38003772 Nursing Service Providers, Licensed Practical Nurse
38003773 Nursing Service Providers, Licensed Vocational Nurse
38003716 Nursing Service Providers, Registered Nurse

So my team is going to look for the non-Standard concepts that don’t have Standard equivalents. And turn them to standard in the next vocabulary release.
@ericaVoss, @MPhilofsky, @nzvyagina
please help us and post here all the cases you already find where there is no Standard concept.

@Dymshyts - do you mean every time we cannot map a source code to a standard?

Yes, but can map to non-Standard concepts, so we’ll make these concepts Standard