Looking for example Rabbit in a Hat ETL specifications document

That I can show a very small screen shot of the mapping from a source table to an OMOP table at Thursday’s BD2K meeting…

I have examples but the left side are all EPIC Clarity tables and I don’t want to elicit the wrath of the EPIC IP lawyers by showing a teeny-tiny fragment of their precious (God-awful) Clarity DBMS structure.

Post link here or send document directly to michael.kahn@ucdenver.edu.


Michael, here's the link to the wiki page of the documentation for whiterabbit, which includes screenshots you can use. http://www.ohdsi.org/web/wiki/doku.php?id=documentation:software:whiterabbit

Have fun at the bd2k meeting, let us know if anything exciting happens.



You are amazing in so many ways. Thank you!


I’m looking to load OMOP tables from our Clarity database and came across this thread. Was White rabbit helpful in creating the ETLs to do this conversion?


Rick: We did not end up using either WR or RiaH tools for reasons I never quite understood other than inertia and lack of me putting my foot down to do otherwise. I couldn’t get the key programmer to stop using raw SQL profiles and doing Patrick’s dreaded “the code is the documentation” approach, which is what we have now…

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You will have a hard time using white rabbit with Clarity due to the exceeding large number of tables. You first need to determine a subset of tables that you expect to pull data from. Then you might have some success.