We are just finishing a COVID-19 SBIR NIH funded Phase I study combining medical records and metagenomics analysis and are looking for a collaborating hospital for the SBIR Phase II. I was advised to post in this forum because we started using the OHDSI models and will integrate them into our system in Phase II.
I believe that this may be an interesting project for researchers already working with a hospital studying the COVID-19 medical records who also know how to get IRB approval for such a study.
Can you please forward my information to them? Or perhaps you can suggest a forum or another person/email where I can post /forward my request for collaboration?
Thank you for your response. I tried to attach a summary version of the Human Study Protocol from our SBIR Phase I which is ending now but as a “new user” I am not allowed. I will send it to you and perhaps you can attach it for me? A longer version can be shared upon request after we connect with prospective collaborators.
For Phase II, the focus is on EHRs and omics integration, and we look for a researcher with experience in implementing OHDSI models working in Health informatics at a hospital, to be a Co-PI in a subcontract for the hospital that would also run the minimal risk study of collecting saliva samples (see Phase I protocol). The subcontract will be paid with Phase II funds.