Logging in to Athena to download vocabulary V5 files


I am trying to download the vocabulary version 5 file from this ATHENA:


When I try logging in, I am redirected back to the login page. How can I get vocabulary version 5 files? Thank you!

I also tried logging in on several different browsers and clearing my cache.

I have the same problem on my work computer. I ended up using my home computer to access Athena. The Athena folks tell me it is due to the security settings on my work computer, but maybe Athena can be changed to be more flexible?

@mmmckillop: could you maybe create an Athena issue on this?

@mmmckillop, @schuemie, please use http://athena.ohdsi.org link for working with Athena.


Now it works on my work computer. Thanks!