Local concepts numerical space

At THEMIS meeting, Christian mentioned a range for local concepts (e.g., procedure_concept_id). Can you please point me to where this convention is documented (e.g., local concepts have IDs with 2000000000 and up).
I would expect it somewhere here

(if it is not clearly documented, please consider adding it to the specs)


The last bullet point under ‘Conventions’ gives you this information -
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Also, @bailey gives some good details around what to do when inserting a local concept in this post:

Thank you for reply. On a related note, it would be interesting to compare those codes (perhaps in the Heel output or the annual OHDSI Data Quality study).

Extract local codes and see if there is overlap)
(select * from concept where concept_id > 2000000000

Example of PEDSnet local codes are here:

@Vojtech_Huser: Why are these 2B Concepts? We have those PCORNet concepts in the normal space, where vocabulary_id=‘PCORNet’;