List of Socioeconomic, marital, language Concepts

We are creating standard list AND/OR cleaning up existing list of Socioeconomic, marital, language concepts as part of THEMIS initiative.

Can you please share the list you are maintaining for your organization. Please share your ideas and thoughts on how to create a comprehensive standard list of concepts for these Socioeconomic, marital, language domains.

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Should we run a remote study and collect? Should be easy.

What is the process for running a remote study? any documentation available.


Documentation: :smile:

It’s pretty easy. We just create and paste a SQL statement that will look for the concepts folks put into their databases. Do you have folks who can do that? We can probably help.

Oh. OK. that is what you call a study :grinning: :grinning

When I converted Korean National Health Insurance Service database into CDM (,
I used ‘3004572’ (Income Status [OMAHA]) for observation concept id of income status (The database classified income status of whole population into from 1st to 10th position.) and ‘4155146 (Tenth percentile)’ for unit concept id
For Korean language, we use ‘4175771’ for language concept id in note table

Thank you for your effort! @Asha_Mahesh


I think the query below can work for language concept_id @Christian_Reich

SELECT DISTINCT language_concept_id from @CDM_Database.NOTE

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@Asha_Mahesh is the proposal to develop concepts and vocabulary?

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Yes. The proposal is to develop a comprehensive list of concepts and related vocabulary.

@Gowtham_Rao Yes. The proposal is to develop a comprehensive list of concepts and related vocabulary.

@Christian_Reich I need an example of SQL. Can someone help. I don’t find that many socioeconomic data in our databases.

Hi @Asha_Mahesh
for this purpose you can use SNOMED concepts

descendants of 302148006 “Legal, financial, employment and socioeconomic history detail”
to get all the Socioeconomic concepts

descendants of 224083004 “Marital or partnership status” to get Marital status concepts

descendants of 297289008 “World languages” to get language concepts.

note: there are concept_codes menioned

@Asha_Mahesh, feel free to ask if you have any questions

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Check related

Well, that’s strange,
clicking on “ancestry” in Atlas for this concept doesn’t return any concepts,
while the concept_ancestor has.

@Dymshyts: Old Vocabulary in ATLAS? Ping @lee_evans.

@Dymshyts @Christian_Reich FYI. I’ll be loading the latest available vocabulary data in OHDSI cloud ATLAS this weekend.

Ok. Thanks.
I add the github issue also
you posted here and I posted in github simultaneously:)

BTW, is there automatic refresh vocabulary in Atlas planned?

@Dymshyts yes, that’s the plan - a regularly scheduled automated vocab data refresh

Hm, I mean,
once it’s released on Athena, it appears on Atlas. What about that?

@lee_evans, did you refresh the vocab to reflect this version. This list is from latest SNOMED browser.

SNOMED International 2018 v1.36.5
Social context (social concept)
Community (social concept)
Family (social concept)
Group (social concept)
Institution (social concept)
Life style (life style)
Occupation (occupation)
Person (person)
Population (social concept)
Religion / philosophy (religion/philosophy)
Social status (social concept)