Launching the CDM and Vocabulary Working Group


This is to kick-off our CDM and Vocabulary working group. We decided we should keep them together for the time being. Sometimes the issues are only CDM-related, sometimes only vocabulary-related, but often they are both.

We are thinking of the following process:

  • We collect all ongoing ideas and suggestions. We started a Wiki page which will contain all the proposals. Each proposal has its own detailed Wiki. In it, we collect the owner (requester), the proposed data model or vocab detail and the use case. Remember: No change to the CDM without a use case, no hoarding.
  • Discussions and debates should not be held in Wiki. Instead, we will create a link to a Forum page, where we can discuss the proposal (see Single Cost Table example).
  • We will meet each month on to discuss these. We will survey you for the best time.
  • We might have folks with data and use cases try a proposal out.
  • When a proposal is deemed ready (debate ran out of issues, folks declare general consensus, or some autocrat had enough of the yakking), the decision will be made to promote the proposal to be included into the next minor or major version.

Let us know if you are planning on participating. But make sure you make time available, this will as good as people will participate for real. Also, let us know who else should be invited who has good ideas and strong opinions.

@rimma and @Christian_Reich


Sign me up! Very interested in both right now. Don

Sign me up too!

Count @jenniferduryea and @aguynamedryan in!

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Thanks, guys.

Please sign me up for this group. Thanks