Latin America Workgroup Call Jan 28th 2020

My Dear Friends,

It has been a while since we meet to advance the work of our Latin America OHDSI initiative. We are going to reconvene next Thursday, January 28th, 2020 on MS Teams here

We will want to focus our 2021 activities on outreach and educational activities. I hope to see some familiar faces.

@krfeeney @edburn @Daniel_Prieto @Juan_Banda @gmachnic @tduarte




Sounds like a plan! Do you have the teams link? I can’t seem to access the link you provided here.

I think this page has the time and the link to join the call:

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Thanks! Didn’t know that was updated recently!

Thank you for catching that Juan. My outlook masked the link and I did not realize it. This is the link for anyone who would want to join today{"Tid"%3A"a30f0094-9120-4aab-ba4c-e5509023b2d5"%2C"Oid"%3A"98e0583a-a420-4403-8375-2925c1598c4f"}

Thank you to Everyone that made it to today’s call. Below the slides we used today. Later we will update our objectives using the new OKR framework to reflect our conversation today.

Gracias a todos los que participation en nuestra primera reunion virtual de 2021. Seguidamente actualizaremos nuestros objetivos (OKR) para reflejar lo hablado en la reunion.

Our next call will be the last Thursday of February (25th)