Kick-Off TC Patient Level Prediction Workgroup

Dear Collaborators,

First of all we wish you a very nice and productive 2016. We look forward to work together with all of you intensively on this very interesting research topic.

We have created a wiki page for the WG that contains a list of all the collaborators that signed up so far. Please let us know if other affiliations etc. should be added here.

The WG will have a bi-weekly TC on Wednesday at 12:00 Eastern (18:00 CET) starting with a kick-off TC on the 13th of January (see the connection details on the wiki page). These sessions will be recorded and made available via the wiki page for those who cannot attend. The first TC will mainly be an introduction to the topic, introduction of the collaborators, and a discussion on the goals and milestones of the WG.

We look forward to this first TC and hope to talk to many of you !

Peter and Jenna