July 16 COVID-19 Update: OHDSI Presentations On FDA/Reagan Udall; CHARYBDIS study leads/database update

• OHDSI was heavily represented once again during the weekly FDA/Reagan Udall COVID-19 Evidence Accelerator meeting. First, Patrick Ryan presented on behalf of the OHDSI COVID-19 team on CHARYBDIS. Afterward, Juan Banda presented on his collaborative work with Daniel Prieto-Alhambra on Twitter data. Slides to both presentations are available here.

• Study leads from the Characterization team met Tuesday to provide updates on progress on the multiple studies being generated from CHARYBDIS. Several of those updates are highlighted in the chat section of the Study-Characterization channel. Study leads will be meeting weekly (Tuesday, 11 am ET/4 pm UK/5 pm CET) to continue these discussions. We are excited about the important manuscripts that can come from this exciting work.

• CHARYBDIS updates continue to be updated here: https://data.ohdsi.org/Covid19CharacterizationCharybdis/. There are now 13 databases from three different continents included in the study. Thank you to all partners for your work to help build our data network so we can generate robust, reliable evidence. We continue to seek new partners, so if you are interested in joining our efforts, please contact Talita Duarte-Salles, Kristin Kostka, or Albert Prats-Uribe.

• Today is the last call for abstracts for the 2020 OHDSI Symposium Collaborator Showcase. While our showcase is not limited to COVID-19 work, we know that there have been many important studies generated around this pandemic, so please remember to share your abstracts before tonight’s 8 pm ET deadline. For more information, visit the Collaborator Showcase page.