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JSON file not generated after running DataQualityDashboard::executeDqChecks

Hello Everyone,

I have multiple questions regarding DataQualityDashboard::executeDqChecks.

  1. After I run DataQualityDashboard::executeDqChecks, no JSON file generated in the output folder.

  2. There is also a log in console showing the error below and indicating the error report has been created at the output folder, but there is nothing in the output folder.

‘[Level: FIELD] [Check: standardConceptRecordCompleteness] [CDM Table: VISIT_DETAIL] [CDM Field: ADMITTING_SOURCE_CONCEPT_ID] Error executing SQL:
net.snowflake.client.jdbc.SnowflakeSQLException: SQL compilation error: error line 17 at position 8
An error report has been created at C:Users/xxx/OUTPUT/errors/FIELD_standardConceptRecordCompleteness_VISIT_DETAIL_ADMITTING_SOURCE_CONCEPT_ID.txt’

  1. For above error, do I need to fix it to have output in the folder? Or it’s normal way to indicate the data fails to pass the checking?

Hi there, can you please share your executeDqChecks function call with all of the parameters that were passed in? If the error you shared was your only error after running the function I’m guessing the json is being put somewhere unexpected and can help debug if I see the full function call (that is a “normal” error that indicates that specific DQ check SQL experienced an error when running). Thanks!

Thank you for replying. The issue is solved.

I am able to generated Json file in the output folder. But when I run DataQualityDashboard::viewDqDashboard(jsonFilePath), it shows the error below

Listening on
Warning: Error in : lexical error: invalid char in json text.
(right here) ------^

What should I do to fix this? Thank you

Are you sure you’re passing in the correct filepath to jsonFilePath? I think you might be getting this error if the path isn’t pointing to a valid location with the json file in it.

You are right. It is the issue about file Path.
