Joined a working group call but I was alone

I have tryied to join a couple of times a group call.
But I’m always alone. Well to be precised, yesterday I was with another person that just like me was lost.

I (we) are not sure what we are doing wrong.

We both went to the “Upcoming Working Group Calls” and clink call the link on the given time.

Do we need to have been accepted into the group and have the that showing as a specific Team’s team ??
I think I did register here, but I dont see any team in my Teams, only OHDSI.

The call in partiular was yesterdays 14th Feb Healthcare Systems Interest Group, @MPhilofsky, but it has happed to me before. So I must be doing something wrong.

If it is the case that we were not in the call because we are not yet in the team.
It it a bit confusing that one can click the link and join a parallel call to meet the people that want to join but cant.

It is extrage that Teams is not giving an error to tell you that you are not a member of the team.

Hello @Javier,

I am not an expert on MS Teams, so I’m tagging @ekatzman the MS Teams guru.

No, anyone can join.

I’m unsure why the link didn’t work. Help, Elisse!

I just added you from my end to the Healthcare Systems Interest Group Team in MS Teams. Let me know if you don’t see my group in your list.

Teams has been difficult for me as well.

Thanks @MPhilofsky ,
I could now watch the recording, and I align with many of the points discussed.

(just pasted this also in the Teams chat)

I work in FinnGen, a project aiming to collect gene data of 500k Finns + their medical records.
I also believe that OHDSI tools are useful for other purposes than network studies. It is lest effort to ETL the data and use Atlas+OHDSI tools than to develop+test custom tools.

For example, we are using Atlas so that our members with no coding skills can create pairs of cases+controls cohorts. Afterwards, a custom tool extracts the patient ids from these two cohorts and run a GWAS on the genetic data.

  • I added our custom 2 billioners vocabularies (Although, I dint know the 2B rule and concept_ids are <2B).
    At the present, other institutions in Finland are joining OMOP. We started together a project to create a workflow to CT&RT and maintain our local codes.

  • as some one mention, we are now on the straggle to educate users to use Atlas. We started a project to have one to one meetings with our researching groups to help them to create cohorts in Atlas. At the same time, we are comparing these Atlas cohorts with same cohort made in the raw data to validate our ETL.

You’re welcome! And welcome to our group!

I’m sure the Healthcare Systems group would be interested to learn more about your trials and tribulations educating researchers. @Paul_Nagy has a large OMOP program at Johns Hopkins. This would a good topic for our group to discuss and learn from each other.

THIS is an excellent best practice! You’ll never get the same exact numbers, but close is what we strive to achieve.

You really should correct this as soon as possible. You don’t want your custom concept_ids to collide with the OMOP concept_ids. And the longer you wait, the more painful it will be.

There was a Genomics WG, but I think it is on hiatus or maybe it merged with the CDM WG. @Christian_Reich probably knows more.