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Job Opportunity: Clinical Data Analyst/ Junior Research Software Engineer at Tufts CTSI

We have a position available on our Informatics team at Tufts CTSI and would love to fill it with someone from the OHDSI community!

The immediate team you’d be joining currently consists of @cce, @kyrylo.simonov, and myself. Our “extended” team includes other OHDSI/Tufts folks @Andrew, @Jared, and @mkwong.

Please see relevant information below and feel free to send me a message if you have any questions.

Job Overview

Tufts CTSI Informatics is seeking a clinical data analyst / junior research software engineer. We are one of 60 NIH CTSA awardees. This role is primarily supporting our researchers with cohort discoveries, chart abstractions, data modeling, visualizations, and other data analysis needed for the preparation and performance of medical research grants. You would also help us grow our OHDSI based research data warehouse (ETL from Epic EHR), work with RedCAP instruments, and automate operational processes. This role requires outstanding verbal and written literacy, a love of healthcare data, coupled with technical competence. We use Julia (especially FunSQL) as well as many other languages. The candidate should have a working knowledge of at least one major programming language, such as Python; additionally, knowledge of HTML/CSS and Javascript is helpful; finally, DevOps experience with Azure would be especially delightful. Read more about Tufts CTSI Informatics here: Informatics - Tufts CTSI

View and apply the full job posting here

In addition to applying on the job posting, please email a recent copy of your resume and brief intro to ohdsi-rse-202405@clarkevans.com

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