Hi Julwa,
Cannot be only two of us. I believe many others will be experiencing the same issue, after updating the Rstudio packages.
Hope it can be solved soon.
Sounds like the new package is compiled with Java8, and you may be running with 7 or older. Can you verify what you are running? From a command line “java -version” would tell you.
Hi Schuemie,
I think I fixed the java version issue with your help.
However, I got the original problem back. I updated the versions of my R packages because my Lasso Logistic Regression model stopped with “Training Lasso Logistic Regression model”, meaning the plplog.txt ended with “Training Lasso Logistic Regression model” and there is no result folder created. I was told the problem was caused by outdated R packages.
Maybe I should create a new thread, but I just put it here since it is correlated.