ISO IDMP / SPOR drug vocabularies?


I recently heard of a drug-related standard and related vocabularies called ISO IDMP and SPOR (Data on medicines (ISO IDMP standards): Overview | European Medicines Agency (EMA)). Does this relate to the OHDSI vocabularies in any way? Are there perhaps plans to include these in the OHDSI vocabularies at some point?

A link to browse the vocabularies: RMS Web UI

Hi @anna_hammais:

It is related, but not connected yet. IDMP is an international standard that the industry and the government are planning to exchange details about drug products, like ingredients, strengths, dose form, etc. I.e. very similar to RxNorm, which we are basing our standard drug concepts on. But is more precise and hence more work. The EMA is trying to push this on the industry (for whom this is not the most urgent thing in the world). Which means adoption is slowly progressing.

Do you have a use case that would benefit from it?