Is there any documents or guide for install Arachne?

Hello, I want to try install and use Arachne.
Is there any guide or integrated docker image for Arachne?


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Yes, both exist. @gregk @pavgra Can probably provide you with more information.

@Realignist @t_abdul_basser Any updates on this? I’ve been trying to get Athena installed locally, but without Arachne (and it’s documentation) I’m kind of stuck. Thanks!

We installed Arachne here at Columbia University using their docker images. I would suggest that contact @gregk @pavgra from Odysseus for more information them.

By the way, what are you trying to do and why do you need Arachne to do it? :smile:

I’m trying to stand up a local Athena instance, and I figured the best way to get to know all the moving parts is to get it working fully before trying to replace the authentication method.

Thanks for the reply!