I’m trying to trouble shoot some missing CPT4 procedure concepts that have appeared during our ETL. I checked a handful and they are all new (2016) CPT4 concepts. The Athena page states that the latest update is 11-MAY-15? Is this correct? Or is CPT4 the current 2016AA version? It seems we are using the 2015AA version in our Vocabulary.
Bumping this to the top in hopes of getting a response.
I’m guessing the CPT4 from Athena is not the 2016AA version since we downloaded 2 1/2 weeks ago. Just want to verify and document for our internal purposes.
Sorry, @MPhilofsky
Coming out momentarily. We have them all in stage.
Thanks, @Christian_Reich!
I am going to ask the same question because our ETL team downloaded the newest version of vocabularies on 2/1/17. And we still have vocabulary_ version = 2015AA in our instance of OMOP. The Athena page states that CPT4 was last updated on 11-May-15. Which version of CPT4 is currently being released through the Athena download page?
@MPhilofsky, it’s 2015AA version.
@Christian_Reich, should we include newer version in upcoming release?
Yes. Need to check out what Timur prepared, in particular the peaks (Domain assignments). I have to add the missing relationship_ids.
@Christian_Reich, you are talking about SNOMED, but what about CPT-4?