We have been developing a new view for the Incidence Rate (IR) Analysis. We would like to share this idea and get some input on whether someone else is working on a similar feature and how to integrate this in the existing OHDSI applications and workflow.
In the new view shows the results from an IR analysis in a grid like way, with target cohorts on the rows and outcomes on the columns. See the mock below:
An example use case we want to cover is to show the number of patients treated with a user-selected medication by condition. Or incidence of certain procedures in different lines of treatment.
@Patrick_Ryan already commented that this grid-like view was omitted by design, as it gives the idea that you can compare between these unadjusted target cohorts. One should not draw any conclusions from this data. In addition, this view does not show all metrics (population, cases, proportion, TAR) that the generation tab does show.
Therefore, some restrictions should be applied to avoid bad practice. For example adding a warning message, restricting the view or restricting to drug exposures as outcomes (e.g. as extension of TxPath where only drug concepts are used).
Please comment whether you share this concern and how you would alleviate this problem.