Introducing HELIOS

I’m happy to be able to share HELIOS with the community. The goal of HELIOS is to improve the performance of vocabulary searching through the WebAPI by introducing APACHE LUCENE AND SOLR to the architecture. This will also be a proof of concept for adding a type of micro-service based approach to extending the OHDSI Architecture. I will be tracking issues and feature requests through the github site. Collaborators are welcome.


Docker image for creating and initializing a SOLR based text index for use in support of vocabulary search functionality.

The current state of this repository should allow for the creation of a Docker image with SOLR and configurations required to connect to a CDM Vocabulary schema. Loading of the SOLR core must be done through the SOLR Administration interface. Once the core is built the Helios branch (in development) of the WebAPI will be able to leverage SOLR as a micro-service, available for OHDSI clients through the WebAPI.

Helios was one of the Titans, son of Hyperion and Theia. He was the personification of the Sun. (

How to configure

This repository includes the driver for Postgresql as well as instructions to copy it into the required location in the Docker image during the build.
Using a different driver for another database platform requires adding the driver.

The copying of the driver is executed in the Dockerfile:

COPY ./postgresql-42.1.4.jar /opt/solr/contrib/dataimporthandler/lib/postgresql-42.1.4.jar

Edit the data-config.xml file to update the dataSource node information including driver, url, user, and password attributes.

<dataSource driver="org.postgresql.Driver" url="jdbc:postgresql://YOUR_SERVER:5432/YOUR_DATABASE" user="USERNAME" password="PASSWORD"/>

The solrconfig.xml file needs to reference the required driver location.

<lib dir="${solr.install.dir:../../../..}/contrib/dataimporthandler/lib/" regex="postgresql-\d.*\.jar"/>

The name of the SOLR core that will be created is configured in the file.
The name of the core should coincide with the version identifier of the CDM Vocabulary to allow querying the proper vocabulary core to correspond with the version of the Vocabulary in use at the respective OHDSI site. Synchronization of this with the WebAPI is still a work in progress.


How to build

docker build -t ohdsi-solr .

How to run

docker run --name ohdsi-solr -d -p 8983:8983 -t ohdsi-solr

Integration with OHDSI/WebAPI

The HELIOS branch of the WebAPI project integrates with the docker image created by the code in this repository. Once this functionality is tested and completed the HELIOS branch of WebAPI will be merged into master and included in an upcoming WebAPI release. Proper configuration of the WebAPI will allow the SOLR docker image to be leveraged for vocabulary search in the WebAPI and through client applications such as ATLAS.


Woo hoo! Awesome to see that OHDSI :heart: Solr. Thank you @Frank

@lee_evans, Can we expect to see on soon?

There is still development work to be done on WebAPI and refinements to the HELIOS image. I will definitely be working with Lee once its ready to be deployed to the public demonstration environment and will let you know once its available.