Improve detail in ICD9CM V code mapping

We need to analyze women after hysterectomy.
This ICD9CM code

V8801	ICD9CM Acquired absence of both cervix and uterus

is mapped to

Past history of procedure	416940007

This is too much loss of detail for us.

I am not sure but I think the OHDSI standard packages cannot take advantage of source_concept_id codes.

Number of V codes all seem to be mapped the same concept of Past history of procedure 416940007.

With debate about SCT extension or storage model that supports post-coordination, I would like to hear others if they run into the same problem and how they handled the loss of detail in the canonical model and canonical methods packages.

We are using our home grown mini tool to quickly look up Dx codes and their mapping. (available here ) (and you enter V8801 or V8802 as dx code)

it is also mapped to value “Hysterectomy”, which combines into History of hysterectomy.
Does it help?
But we have review cycles, so will get back to ICD9 in a while.