I just want to report warnings I saw when running the IUD study (the skeleton code seems to be using older version of sql render, I think).
It is warning, so I am not sure if it blocking the execution or not.
zip file extracted on Feb 13 2020 from http://atlas-demo.ohdsi.org/#/estimation/cca/262
> execute(connectionDetails = connectionDetails,
+ cdmDatabaseSchema = cdmDatabaseSchema,
+ cohortDatabaseSchema = cohortDatabaseSchema,
+ cohortTable = cohortTable,
+ oracleTempSchema = oracleTempSchema,
+ outputFolder = outputFolder,
+ databaseId = databaseId,
+ databaseName = databaseName,
+ databaseDescription = databaseDescription,
+ createCohorts = TRUE,
+ synthesizePositiveControls = TRUE,
+ runAnalyses = TRUE,
+ runDiagnostics = TRUE,
+ packageResults = TRUE,
+ maxCores = maxCores)
Creating exposure and outcome cohorts
Connecting using PostgreSQL driver
Creating cohort: CuIUD
|=============================================================================| 100%
Executing SQL took 0.35 secs
Creating cohort: LNGIUS
|=============================================================================| 100%
Executing SQL took 0.146 secs
Creating cohort: Alt_High_Grade_Cervical_Neoplasm
|=============================================================================| 100%
Executing SQL took 0.223 secs
Warning: This function is deprecated. Use 'render' instead.
Warning: This function is deprecated. Use 'translate' instead.
Creating negative control outcome cohorts
|=============================================================================| 100%
Executing SQL took 0.011 secs
Counting cohorts
Running CohortMethod analyses
*** Creating cohortMethodData objects ***
|=============================================================================| 100%
*** Creating study populations ***
|=============================================================================| 100%
*** Fitting shared propensity score models ***
Loading required package: CohortMethod
Loading required package: Cyclops
Loading required package: FeatureExtraction
Fitting propensity model across all outcomes (ignore messages about 'no outcome specified')
Warning: The addExposureDaysToStart argument is deprecated. Please use the startAnchor argument instead.
Warning: The addExposureDaysToEnd argument is deprecated. Please use the endAnchor argument instead.
No outcome specified so skipping removing people with prior outcomes
Removing subjects with less than 1 day(s) at risk (if any)
No outcome specified so not creating outcome and time variables
Creating propensity scores took 0 secs
Fitting propensity model across all outcomes (ignore messages about 'no outcome specified')
Warning: The addExposureDaysToStart argument is deprecated. Please use the startAnchor argument instead.
Warning: The addExposureDaysToEnd argument is deprecated. Please use the endAnchor argument instead.
No outcome specified so skipping removing people with prior outcomes
Removing subjects with less than 1 day(s) at risk (if any)
No outcome specified so not creating outcome and time variables
Creating propensity scores took 0 secs
Fitting propensity model across all outcomes (ignore messages about 'no outcome specified')
Warning: The addExposureDaysToStart argument is deprecated. Please use the startAnchor argument instead.
Warning: The addExposureDaysToEnd argument is deprecated. Please use the endAnchor argument instead.
No outcome specified so skipping removing people with prior outcomes
Removing subjects with less than 1 day(s) at risk (if any)
No outcome specified so not creating outcome and time variables
Creating propensity scores took 0 secs
*** Adding propensity scores to study population objects ***
|=============================================================================| 100%
*** Trimming/Matching/Stratifying ***
|=============================================================================| 100%
*** Prefiltering covariates for outcome models ***
*** Fitting outcome models for outcomes of interest ***
| | 0%Thread 2 returns error: "Requested stratified analysis, but no stratumId column found in population. Please use matchOnPs or stratifyByPs to create strata." when using argument(s): list(cohortMethodDataFolder = "c:/temp/iud/cmOutput/CmData_l1_t1771647_c1771648", prefilteredCovariatesFolder = "", args = list(excludeCovariateIds = list(), useCovariates = FALSE, prior = list(variance = 1, useCrossValidation = TRUE, priorType = "laplace", exclude = 0, neighborhood = NULL, forceIntercept = FALSE, graph = NULL), inversePtWeighting = FALSE, control = list(maxIterations = 1000, autoSearch = TRUE, seed = NULL, initialBound = 2, gridSteps = 10, threads = 4, startingVariance = 0.01, useKKTSwindle = FALSE, n lowerLimit = 0.01, cvRepetitions = 10, noiseLevel = "quiet", fold = 10, minCVData = 100, resetCoefficients = FALSE, upperLimit = 20, cvType = "auto", selectorType = "auto", convergenceType = "gradient", tuneSwindle = 10, maxBoundCount = 5, tolerance = 2e-07, algorithm = "ccd"), modelType = "cox", stratified = TRUE, interactionCovariateIds = list(), includeCovariateIds = list()), studyPopFile = "c:/temp/iud/cmOutput/StratPop_l1_s2_p1_t1771647_c1771648_s2_o1771054.rds", outcomeModelFile = "c:/temp/iud/cmOutput/Analysis_2/om_t1771647_c1771648_o1771054.rds")
|=============================================================================| 100%
Error in ParallelLogger::clusterApply(cluster, modelsToFit, doFitOutcomeModel) :
Error(s) when calling function 'fun', see earlier messages for details