IMI2 European Health Data & Evidence Network (EHDEN) project launched!

Dear All,

I am very proud to announce that the Grant Agreement for the EHDEN project was signed this Thursday and the project is now officially started. This will give a major push for the OMOP-CDM in Europe. It is exciting to see there is already a lot of interest for the project from data sources and Small to Medium Enterprises (SMEs) that want to participate in the ecosystem. The media is picking this up in multiple European countries which is very nice and good exposure for OHDSI as well!

I will discuss with @MauraBeaton when I can present the project in a Tuesday call to give you all more details on this exciting project!

Media Release


Congratulations on EHDEN!

What an exciting news, Congratulation!


Great News! Congratulations!

Congratulations @Rijnbeek, this is a tremendous accomplishment! A network of observational databases across Europe has the very real potential to transform our ability to generate reliable evidence and improve the lives of patients around the world.

Many congratulations. Good going.

This is a fantastic achievement with such important implications for the community. Wonderful tireless leadership paying off in a big way. Congrats!

Dear Peter,

Congratulations! These are excellent news.

Our Institute is leading the national network on “Precision Medicine in Oncology” in Greece. The network is mostly focusing on genetic data. However, I will try to promote the OMOP-CDM to the network and potentially look for a synergy with EHDEN.

Best wishes,

That is great thanks.

Great! Many Congrats.