
Hi, anyone know anything about the AMA IHMI? https://ama-ihmi.org/

They say they have a common data model but I can’t find anything on GitHub etc. Just wondering if anyone here was plugged into that.



In case anyone was burning with curiosity, AMA does have documentation on the model available if you register for the AMA site. It’s not on GitHub but at least it’s there. Conceptually quite different from the OMOP CDM, more like HL7 v3. Mostly an interoperability standrad. Happy to share if anyone is curious.

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I’m definitely curious.

On a similar topic, I’m trying to learn about data standards parallel to OMOP for a paper I’m working on (still open to interested collaborators) about CDMs (ours particularly) as a foundation for cross-domain standards alignment and, among other things, am trying to understand what the ONC is putting out here: https://beta.healthit.gov/topic/interoperability/trusted-exchange-framework-and-common-agreement

Me too. We have our own published data model, so it will be good to see what they are doing. Thanks Jon.

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In addition to what Jon found out, AMA’s Integrated Health Model Initiative (IHMI) will leverage other HL7 standards, such as the HL7 Clinical Information Modeling Initiative (CIMI) reference specification and archetypes. http://cimi.hl7.org/submissions/january_2018/cimi_doc/index.html
CIMI is aimed at creating a shared repository of detailed clinical information models * coupled with controlled terminologies to standardize the content “payload” within the HL7 messages and documents.

  • Detailed Clinical Models (DCM): A DCM includes a granular set of clinical data elements and its metadata such as blood pressure, pulse, breathing, Apgar score, Glasgow Coma Scale, Health and Physical, assessments and so on. Originally developed by NICTIZ (Dutch National ICT Institute for Healthcare) and the HL7 Patient Care WG.
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interesting new words (excerpt from the specs)