I came across this pre-print in my daily reading: https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.04.11.20061994v1 It is an EHR study across five hospitals looking at some limited use of Rx drugs. From the abstract - “Based on a comparison of ranked electronic prescribing frequencies, medications enriched among test-positive individuals not requiring hospitalization included ibuprofen, valacyclovir, and naproxen. Among individuals who were hospitalized, mechanical ventilation was documented in 213 (30.1%); ibuprofen and naproxen were also more commonly prescribed among individuals not requiring ventilation. Conclusions and Relevance: These preliminary findings suggest that electronic health records may be applied to identify medications associated with lower risk of morbidity with COVID-19, but larger cohorts will be required to address confounding by indication.”