ICD9CM -> SNOMED -> MedDRA mapping ends up with 1724 duplicates


I need to map ICD9CM codes and names to MedDRA, for this I tried to follow up this thread.

The scenario incures mapping ICD9CM -> SNOMED -> MedDRA. Using full Athena download, I managed to map 17564 ICD9CM codes to 3585 MedDRA codes, either PT or LLT. Small fraction of [rare] ICD9CM codes remained un-mapped, which is not a big problem [for my project]

My bigger problem is that 1724 ICD9CM codes are mapped one-to-many, with cardinality ranging from 2 to 8. Below is a break-down counts by cardinality:

8 - 5
7 - 16
6 - 26
5 - 51
4 - 99
3 - 274
2 - 1252

unfortunately, as new user, I cannot upload Excel file with all these multi-mappings.

my question is anyone in the team is willing to address [and fix] this problem ?
