ICD-10-CM M62.84 (Sarcopenia)

Hello there,

I noticed in ATHENA that the ICD-10-CM code M62.84 Sarcopenia (http://athena.ohdsi.org/search-terms/terms/37200744) does not map to the standard concept for Sarcopenia (concept id 36674346; http://athena.ohdsi.org/search-terms/terms/36674346?fullscreen=false&levels=10&standardsOnly=false&zoomLevel=4).

I think I’ll want to report as an issue on GitHub but wanted to check here first that this was indeed reportable :slight_smile:


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@katy-sadowski, thanks for reporting! The standard SNOMED equivalent concept of ‘772791006 Sarcopenia’ was added not so far, so the vocabulary team has to refresh the current mapping of M62.84.

OK, thanks! Shall I file a GitHub issue?