How to view data from note and note nlp table in atlas

I have data in the note and the note nlp table. I want to know how can i see the data present in tables in atlas .

In this forum post it states that note_text field is not used in atlas.

What is the usage of these tables apart from storing the note text and extracted text from the notes from the doctor.

Hi Vikram,

To answer your first question: To my knowledge, ATLAS does not yet support the use of NOTE table and NOTE_NLP table as a cohort definition criteria.

As for your second question, I am quoting @SCYou from another topic:

Best regards,


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Actually, I made a very crude chart viewer shiny app for ATLAS-generated cohort (

This is very crude one, so it’s not widely adoptable.

Thanks. Will go through the mentioned pdf. :slight_smile:

I saw on the NLP WG page that this is a planned project for 2019. Curious if this is actively under development, or still of interest and planned for the future. In trying to investigate this, I know I saw a few different posts regarding the philosophy of the NLP tables, and if someone would query them directly, or if the concepts in NOTE_NLP would get moved to other core tables and annotated as being derived by NLP.

@lrasmussen Thanks for asking this question. It would be very useful to have an OHDSI convention to guide uses of NOTE and NOTE_NLP, core tables, and provenance annotation.