Hello Everyone,
We have 5 different surveys. Starting from 2005 to now. Every time when a study was conducted, few questions were dropped or added to the existing survey when compared to previous study experiment.
Ex: Our Survey had 20 questions in 2005 but in 2009 we had only 18 questions (same content/questions) but we dropped 2 questions. Later in 2013, we added 5 more new questions which took the total survey questions to 23.
Though I have created custom concepts for our questions in observation table, can you please let me know how and where can I retain this information of addition and deletion of survey questions in CDM database.
In essence, I would like to know Survey_V1 had 20 questions (I should be able to find out which are those 20 questions), Survey_V2 had 18 questions (I should be able to identify which are those 23 questions) and Survey_V3 had 23 questions (I should be able to identify which are those 23 questions).
I had a look at Survey_Conduct table. I see there is a column to retain version number of the survey. But how do I establish the connection between survey version and survey questions (which are created as concepts in concept table as well as stored as records (questions & responses together) in observation table).