How to link content/observations with different versions of survey

Hello Everyone,

We have 5 different surveys. Starting from 2005 to now. Every time when a study was conducted, few questions were dropped or added to the existing survey when compared to previous study experiment.

Ex: Our Survey had 20 questions in 2005 but in 2009 we had only 18 questions (same content/questions) but we dropped 2 questions. Later in 2013, we added 5 more new questions which took the total survey questions to 23.

Though I have created custom concepts for our questions in observation table, can you please let me know how and where can I retain this information of addition and deletion of survey questions in CDM database.

In essence, I would like to know Survey_V1 had 20 questions (I should be able to find out which are those 20 questions), Survey_V2 had 18 questions (I should be able to identify which are those 23 questions) and Survey_V3 had 23 questions (I should be able to identify which are those 23 questions).

I had a look at Survey_Conduct table. I see there is a column to retain version number of the survey. But how do I establish the connection between survey version and survey questions (which are created as concepts in concept table as well as stored as records (questions & responses together) in observation table).



Help me understand. Why is it important to know that it was 20 and now is 18? Just record the questions and answers.

@Christian_Reich - Got it. Will check on that

  1. Survey_Conduct.Survey_Conduct_id = Observation.Observation_Event_ID is the way to link these two tables. Am I right? Can I know what’s OBS_EVENT_FIELD_CONCEPT_ID ? Any examples please?

btw, do we have any demo data of the recent version (V6), So that I can load all these data in db and see the value formats and make sense of it.

In Atlas, we have Synpuf but I would like to know is whether you have demo data for recent version for all tables which will kind of help us figure out what type of values goes into each column?
