How to Intrepret - HCPCS - Ground mileage, per statute mile (2614666)

Friends – does anyone have any on the ground experience with this HCPCS code -
2614666 - Ground mileage, per statute mile:

Trying to understand what this actually relates to in clinical practice.

Thank you!!

This is a charge for the amount of mileage an ambulance service or other transportation service will bill for while transporting a patient.

Thanks @jenniferduryea. I sensed this was a billing artifact. Appreciate your help confirming this hypothesis.

My curiosity is if anyone else encountered this covariate in the context of say a PLE or PLP study and had any examples of tactically using this variable. It doesn’t strike me as having a lot of clinical value other than we know the individual had to move locations of care and perhaps it’s a proxy for acute patients in claims data.