How to handle missing values in EHR data analysis?

Hello Everyone,

I am currently working on a project where I would like to know the different measurements/lab tests that a person with specific condition should have underwent? I am not from healthcare, your inputs would be helpful

I understand not all patients with condition A would have gone through the required measurement test. But what I would like to know is the list of measurement / lab tests for each condition? This is to find a way to handle missing values

For example,

  1. what are all the possible measurements/lab tests for T2DM? What are the measurements/lab tests that he has actually underwent for T2DM? in this I will be able to identify MACR, MNACR etc

  2. what are all the possible measurements/lab tests for cancer? What measurement tests did he actually undergo?

Once I have this,then I might be able to know about MACR, MNACR etc

Is there anyway in Atlas or SQL approach that I can use to get this info? I am sure it’s a common problem in EHR data analysis and you would have handled this. Can you share your experience of handling this in simplest way as possible?



Doesn’t work that way. Diagnostic tests and figuring out the diagnosis is a many-to-many complex non-linear problem. Some tests results have a different meaning given other preconditions or treatments. Some tests are screening tests, while others are confirmation tests. Some tests give a generic indication to search in a certain direction.


What is “MACR” and “MNACR”?

@Christian_Reich - Hi, thanks for the response.

Exactly that’s why I would like to know how people usually handle it.

Apologies the short form should be as follows

MAR - missing at random

MCAR - missing completely at random

MNAR - missing not at random
