In KCD7, A00.0 is OMOP code 42483628, which is nonstandard, and this OMOP code[42483628] can not be used in CDM.
But Looking at the details of the A00.0 code in Athena, there is Non-standard to Standard map (OMOP) information, and the Non-standard to Standard map (OMOP) code for A00.0 is 4344638.
In the above example, I think the standard OMOP code for A00.0 of KCD7 is 4344638.
So, I have two questions about concept ID mapping for KCD7.
1.As in A00.0 -> 42483628 -> 4344638,
I think there is relationship information between a nonstandard code [42483628]
and a Non-standard to Standard map (OMOP) code information [4344638] for source code A00.0 in some place of the vocabulary internal files (CONCEPT.csv, CONCEPT_ANCESTOR.csv, CONCEPT_CLASS.csv, CONCEPT_RELATIONSHIP.csv, CONCEPT_SYNONYM.csv, DOMAIN.csv, DRUG_STRENGTH.csv, RELATIONSHIP.csv, RELATIONSHIP.csv, RELATIONSHIP.csv) , VOCABULARY.csv). If possible, please let me know a way to find the relationship.
- If there is a method to download non-standard to standard map (OMOP) codes for some source codes (KCD, or EDI, etc) like A00.0 -> 4344638, I would like to know it.
I believe this will be very helpful to map the standardized concept ID.
Thank you in advance.