Version 6.0 cost.cost_event_field_concept_id, observation.obs_event_field_concept_id and note.note_event_field_concept_id require the concept that represents the CDM Version/Table/column that the cost, observation or note refers to. For example the cost record for a drug needs the concept for drug_exposure.drug_exposure_id (for the specific CDM version) for the cost_event_field_concept_id.
Here is a query to get the concept for the CDM version 6.0.0 drug_exposure.drug_exposure_id.
SELECT column_concept.concept_id
FROM concept column_concept
JOIN concept_relationship cr ON column_concept.concept_id = cr.concept_id_1
AND cr.invalid_reason IS NULL
AND cr.relationship_id = 'Contained in version'
JOIN concept version_concept ON version_concept.concept_id = cr.concept_id_2
AND version_concept.concept_code = 'CDM v6.0.0'
WHERE column_concept.concept_class_id = 'Field'
AND column_concept.standard_concept = 'S'
AND column_concept.concept_name = 'drug_exposure.drug_exposure_id'
@clairblacketer we need to add this to ETL conventions.