Hi all,
I need to fit outcome model using only specified covariates, different from covariates that were used for propensity matching.
In my case, I need just two covariates in the outcome model as age and gender. What is the best way to do it using existing CohortMethod API?
Current prototype looks as following
createFitOutcomeModelArgs <- function(modelType = “logistic”,
stratified = FALSE,
useCovariates = FALSE,
inversePsWeighting = FALSE,
excludeCovariateIds = c(),
includeCovariateIds = c(),
prior = createPrior(“laplace”, useCrossValidation = TRUE),
control = createControl(cvType = “auto”,
startingVariance = 0.01,
tolerance = 2e-07,
cvRepetitions = 10,
noiseLevel = “quiet”))
It looks that the only available option is to specify separate concept set via includeCovariateIds?