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How to design the Observation_period in active patient?

Hi Community!

We are developing a project in which the hospital will initially convert as much of their EHR data into the OMOP format as possible, and then update this data on a weekly basis. For the initial conversion, the Observation_period_start_date could be considered as the date of the first record in the system. The Observation_period_end_date could be the date of the most recent record, unless there is a significant gap in the records; in such cases, we might split the Observation_period data.

1st question: Is this assumption correct?

Since some patients are still active and may visit the hospital again, my questions are:

2nd question: Does the hospital need to send new Observation_period data for these returning patients? If so, what should be the start and end dates?

3rd question: If a patient visits the hospital again in the future, should we create a new Observation_period, or can we update the existing Observation_period by extending the end_date to the most recent visit date?

Thank you so much,

Take a look at this documentation created by the Healthcare Systems Interest Group (formerly the EHR WG) for information about how to infer Observation Periods from health records which don’t have enrollment data.

Let me know if you have any questions!
