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How to define "has one visit_occurrence at least 6 months after entry in to cohort"?

I’m creating my first real world cohort in Atlas and would like the cohort to include only patients that have at least one visit 6 months or more after entry into the cohort (basicly, a patient that was seen at least once 6 months after their first visit after a given date).

I’m at a complete loss as how to do this. In Atlas I can define that the visit start after a given date (red arrow in the image below) but I don’t know how to define that the visit starts after the first visit or entry into the cohort).

I’m in the process of intalling the PhenotypeLibrary (https://github.com/OHDSI/PhenotypeLibrary). It looks like this library is intended to be browsed using R, is this correct? Are there other ways to browse this libraray? Are there other repositories for Phenotypes that might help me here? Is there a repository of “idioms” (for example, the one described here).


You almost got there: right under the red arrow you have time windows relative to cohort entry. You’d change them from all days before and all days after to 180 days after and all days after.

I don’t think there is a library of separate idioms, only full phenotypes. You can extract jsons from phenotype library and load them into atlas to see/modify individual phenotypes.

Edit: also, if you trust your observation periods, you can mimic the same logic in your entry event criteria by specifying continuous observation of at least 180 after event index date (right below the grey box of your entry event).

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So this would be “patient must have at least one visit 6 months or later after entering the chort” correct?

EDIT: I think this is basically correct, but I need to fix the before and afters (I’ll do that and post when I can)

Yes, that’s correct.
