@Chris_Knoll - I tried creating a new feature ‘Systolic Blood Pressure’
I already have a cohort created (http://www.ohdsi.org/web/atlas/#/cohortdefinition/1770877) but when I add a new feature to this cohort like systolic blood pressure, it fails. This is how I added a feature
Can you please help me understand what’s the issue? As you can see am trying to create a feature from “Measurement” domain. How does this work?
I tried with both “Prevalence” and “Distribution” by adding the concept set “systolic blood pressure” to the Add attribute criteria
Some times the save button doesn’t also respond (after edit) which is shown in screenshot as well
.I couldn’t find any explicit sql issues.
- In addition, when I make use of already existing features like Age, Gender and Ethnicity. I only see “Age” and “Gender” whereas “Ethnicity” isn’t displayed and the status is “completed”
When I just tried with “Ethnicity”, again the status is completed but the result looks like this
Can you please help and let us know how to create features from Measurement domain and fix the Ethnicity display issue? I guess if there are no records, it should be displaying it as Zero. Am I using this the right way?