How to category imaging test

for imaging test like CT, MRI, ultrasound, should they be stored in measurement domain or procedure domain? i tried to search in Athena and got results as below:
CT unspecified body region limited-measurement domain
MRI scan-meas. value domain
color doppler ultrasound-procedure domain
so a little bit confused. thanks in advance!


Yes, it isn’t very clean yet. The general rule is this: The actual act of e.g. running a patient through the CT tunnel is a procedure. The results are Measurements.

Do you have imaging results to store?

@caihaoyan We need to discuss how to standardize concept_ids for imaging procedures.

As I mentioned, I want OHDSI to use RadLex for this effort, which was developed by RSNA.

Currently, some of RadLex code is incorporated into LOINC and OMOP measurement code (LOINC-RSNA).

thanks, that makes sense.
yes, since we are implementing omop cdm in neurology area, there will be many imaging results stored in the system.

thanks. looking forward to standardization for imaging concepts

@SCYou, if what’s incorporated in LOINC is not enough, we can add RadLex as a separate vocabulary.
Please post the issue here

with the link to a RadLex source, and your comments how to add it to OMOP

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Since LOINC-RSNA is not enough for imaging test, adding RadLex as a seperate vocabulary would be perfect!! I posted this to the github issue. Thank you @Dymshyts

You’re welcome:)

We put into our backlog.
We’ll let you know once we start working on it.