HERMES / WebAPI Update

I’ve committed additional updates to HERMES and WebAPI based on community feedback. Thanks to @lee_evans for pushing all the changes to our public versions of the tools. Here are the release notes.


  • config.js
  • configuration has been changed to allow for multiple WebAPI services to be defined.
  • HERMES will use the first service listed in the configuration array as the default.
  • defaulting to public means no local WebAPI installation is required for basic HERMES use
  • a new dropdown button has been added next to the search box that allows the user to choose which service to use for searches
  • invalid concepts
  • clear visual indicators have been integrated to draw attention to concepts that are no longer valid both on the search screen as well as the concept display.
  • In the guided search the name of an invalid concept will have a red font color.
  • On the concept screen a red Invalid badge appears below the concept name.
  • In the related concept table the link for the concept will have a red font color.
  • misc
  • a loading indicator has been added while waiting for concept and related concept information to be returned
  • stylesheets for bootstrap and dataTable overrides separated from main application styles


new route > /vocabulary/info (GET)

returns information about the current vocabulary available via the WebAPI

sample response:

  "version":"v5.0 2014-10-15",
  "dialect":"sql server"

new route > /vocabulary/vocabularies (GET)

returns the list of vocabularies available in the current vocabulary database
sample response:

    "VOCABULARY_NAME":"Ambulatory Payment Classification (CMS)",
    "VOCABULARY_NAME":"WHO Anatomic Therapeutic Chemical Classification",
    "VOCABULARY_REFERENCE":"FDB UK distribution package",
  } ,

new route > /sqlrender/translate (POST)

leverage the SqlRender package to translate a template-sql statement to a dialect specific statement.