HERMES Release Notes

This thread contains a log of release notes for the HERMES web application.


  • simple integration of chart for condition occurrence prevalence
  • this chart integration is intended to provide an example of how we can leverage the existing visualization library from ACHILLES across other applications
  • starting with this release and the WebAPI release from the same date searches in HERMES will be case insensitive across all database platforms regardless of the native case sensitivity of the underlying database


  • revamped the view of a concept that you select from a search
  • concept name and properties now appears in a panel header
  • added a save button to the concept name display on the top right of the concept container which will allow the user to save the current concept to a list of saved concepts
  • revamped the related concept table features
  • added icons for the save, filter, and select features of the related concept table
  • advanced filters are now accessed through the filter list
  • simple ‘prompt’ filters are now accessed through the filter list
  • a ‘clear filters’ option is now available on the menu to clear the currently applied filters
  • added a check icon to the beginning of each related concept row for easy selection of concepts (clicking on the row will also select the row)
  • shopping cart
  • a shopping cart icon is now visible in the top right of the screen
  • the shopping cart icon is replaced with the number of saved concepts once a user saves at least one concept
  • compatibility
  • reverted to jquery 1.11.2 for broader browser compatibility
  • saved concepts
  • added remove selected and remove all options to the saved concept table
  • added a new ‘flash’ icon button to the actions that can be performed on the set of saved concepts, currently still just export to code list