HERMES possible data issue with concept_ids

For the Hermes query below there are 78 results yet this concept_id is missing from the concept table. I have two databases with both a v5 restricted and unrestricted vocabulary.

Why am I missing this concept_id?

When you say it is missing from the concept table, do you mean your local copy of the vocabulary?


What is the current version of your local copy? You can find out by querying the Vocabulary table where VOCABULARY_ID = ‘None’. Also, what database platform are you running on? You can get also get both pieces of information by clicking on the configuration button (cog looking button) if you have a local install of Hermes pointing at a local install of the WebAPI.

v5.0 2014-10-15

Forgot the platform: SQL Server

Yes, this concept was missing from that version of the Vocabulary. Please update your Vocabulary (, that last version had many issues. The current version is v5.0 3-Apr-2015

Thanks Erica. I downloaded the vocab from here:

Is that up to date?



I can’t really speak for the IMEDS version but if I have to guess, no it is not the most up-to-date version. Use the ATHENA version.


That’s correct. The IMEDS download page is a mirror of what’s available at Athena, but we are working through a bunch of licensing problems. Till then, it’s easier to go to the Athena website.