[Heracles] Cohort Date Aware?

@jon_duke, @cahilton, @Chris_Knoll, or @Frank,

Will Heracles be aware of dated information in the COHORT table? Specifically if I wanted Heracles to use the dated information to filter the data used in the reports, would that be possible?

Reason I’m asking is because we are using the COHORT table in CDM_IPCI to define when data is “research ready”. IPCI is a EMR dataset with many different levels of “time”. We are using OBSERVATION_PERIOD to define the time for which a patient has data, however there are specific tasks that can only be defined during “research ready” time (i.e. defining your denominator). The cohort table has been suggested as a method to implement defining other types of time (I know @amatcho is doing something similar with her CPRD ETL). We would like to leverage that information in Heracles.

(and Peter Rijnbeek & Marcel de Wilde)