Help with Strategus Example Study Installation Issues

Hello OHDSI Community,

I am trying to get the Strategus example study working following the instructions in Creating Analysis Specification • Strategus. However, I am encountering installation errors such as:

install of package ‘Rcpp’ failed [error code 1]

Additionally, the test dataset referenced in the example is not found at the specified path.

I would love to connect with others who are using Strategus to check if they have encountered similar issues and how they resolved them. If anyone has successfully run this example or has insights into these errors, I would appreciate your guidance.

@schuemie @anthonysena

Thank you in advance for your help!

Hello OHDSI Community,

I wanted to followup on my previous post, I was able to run the Strategus sample study and generated results in the form of CSV files. I just installed Strategus and other packages like magrittr and dplyr and also manually Defined params

params ← list(
analysisSettingsPath = “path/to/working_directory”,
analysisSettingsFileName = “analysisSpecifications.json”)

Thank you