Help required on Achilles rules and where can they be found?

Hello Everyone,

I was trying to run Achilles on our CDM instance using the R code from github here

I am able to see under “results.achilles_heel_results” that some of analysis have thrown errors and warnings.

  1. How can I take a look at the list of rules/checks that Achilles does? Is there any csv file which contains the list of rules/checks? Under github, I could find a vignette pdf but that doesn’t have the rules.

Example 1

ERROR: 406 - Distribution of age by condition_concept_id (count = 1361); min value should not be negative

I guess this is about plotting age distribution for each condition_concept_id in our database. but am not sure what does min value should not be negative mean here? We have filled ZEROES for “unable to map items”.

Example 2

ERROR: 709-Number of drug exposure records with invalid person_id; count (n=14) should not be > 0

But all our person_ids are valid. Meaning person_ids from cdm.drug_exposure table are also present in cdm.person table. So what does invalid person_id mean here?

Similarly, I see few more error messages with “invalid visit_id”. What does invalid visit_id mean when the visit_ids are present in visit_occurrence and other domain tables.

Example 3

ERROR: 810-Number of observation records outside valid observation period; count (n=8877) should not be > 0

We have defined an observation_period of 1000 years. I understand this may not be possible in real life at all. But why does it still throw error as “outside valid observation period” when all our domain dates are within our observation_period. Is there any limit imposed anywhere for observation_period that we aren’t aware of?

I would like to understand what these rules are and the location from where I can see all these rules/csv files? Is there any examples on this?

  1. Is it possible to know the records which violated the rules? I know for DQD, we have this option but is it possible for Achilles?

Can help us with this?

Hi @Akshay – please see my responses in the Git issue here:

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